Things You Can Do To Cope With a Cancer Diagnosis

The World Health Organization reported 10 million deaths due to cancer in 2020, making it a prominent global cause of death. It is highly likely that either you or someone you know has been affected by this devastating disease. A cancer diagnosis is life changing, the initial feeling of fear, anxiety, disbelief, and anger are inevitable and can be overwhelming1. If you have been affected by cancer either directly or indirectly, allow yourself time to process your feelings. Once you have had time to process this diagnosis it is important to channel your energy towards doing your research and learning about your diagnosis. Empower yourself with knowledge so you feel better equipped to comprehend the path ahead for your disease.

Learn About Your Cancer Diagnosis:

Make a list of questions to ask your oncologist. Begin by understanding the precise type of cancer you have, enquire about its location, whether it is common or rare, if it is fast growing or slow growing, discuss your treatment options, and whether the tumor is contained making surgery a possible option or if the cancer has spread to other organs? Your doctor may suggest other tests, such as CT scan, MRI, X-ray, Blood work, Biopsies, tumor genome sequencing etc. to get a better understanding of your cancer and make the best treatment recommendations. Ask your doctor about how quickly treatment needs to begin and if taking a few days, a week or even longer can affect your outcome to avoid putting pressure on yourself to make a hasty decision. Ask about the availability of clinical trials and if investigational treatments might open better treatment options for you. Prior to completing your treatment plan seek a second opinion with another expert sharing all your test results. Armed with this information you will be better equipped to make an informed decision about your treatment plan. Remember that getting the right and best treatment as quickly as possible from the onset of the disease offers you the best change of survival2.

Establish Your Care Team:

The most crucial step you can take is to consult with an oncologist who specializes in treating your specific type of cancer and has significant experience with patients facing similar circumstances. The expertise of the oncologist can make a substantial difference in your treatment outcome, potentially impacting life, and death situations. Identify your care team. You care team should be comprised of your patient navigator, oncologist, nurse, surgeon, social worker, schedulers, nutritionist, pharmacist, and therapist. Form a personal relationship with your care team, as their unwavering support will help you navigate your treatment journe2.

Identify Your Support Network:

Having a reliable support system in place is crucial to surviving the long and challenging cancer journey. It is important to take the time to identify people you trust and who’s unwavering support you can count on. These people can be family, friends, members of the same religious institution, neighbors or people who have experienced similar challenges. Having a support system can provide emotional comfort, encouragement, and much needed assistance throughout the ups and downs of the cancer journey. Knowing that you have a dependable network of people to lean on will make the difference in navigating the path ahead with greater strength and resilience.

Open communication is important, as people may not fully understand how to support you unless you request specific help. Remember if someone specifically asks to help, tell them how they can, by saying things like, “It would really help if you could take me to my next Doctor’s visit or chemo, or I could really use your help picking up groceries, could you if I gave you a list and Venmo ‘ed you after?’. Joining a support group can also be beneficial as it offers a safe space to share your feelings, concerns, and experiences with others who are undergoing cancer treatment and may be better able to understand your concerns. Connecting with individuals who understand what you are going through can supply invaluable emotional support during your cancer journey.

Having a partner, friend or companion present at an appointment can be very helpful, as they may remember important details or ask questions that you might forget due to the overwhelming nature of the situation. They function as a "second set of ears," ensuring that all relevant information is captured and understood during these critical meetings. Their presence can provide comfort and help with effective communication with healthcare professionals, ensuring you receive the best possible care and understanding throughout your cancer experience3.

Nutrition To Prepare Yourself For Cancer Treatment:

Preparing yourself for cancer treatment is crucial, and you can take steps to improve your readiness, such as adopting a varied diet. A varied diet involves consuming a wide range of foods in right proportions, ensuring you get sufficient protein, calories, and essential nutrients4. A healthy diet is important for overall well-being and can play a supportive role for cancer patients.

Consuming a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can supply essential nutrients needed for optimal health and support the body's immune system during and after treatment.

Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants found in foods like berries, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are generated during cancer treatments.

Remember to stay adequately hydrated, as treatments and medications can cause dehydration. Drinking sufficient water and consume hydrating foods like fruits and soups.

Consult with a registered dietitian or nutritionist who specializes in oncology to develop a personalized diet plan specific to your individual needs, treatment side effects, and dietary restrictions.

Taking pro-active steps towards your health can empower you and provide a sense of control over your journey.

Physical Fitness to Prepare yourself for Cancer Treatment:

            Exercise can play a significant role in cancer prevention and treatment, although certainty about its impact on specific cases may vary. Research has shown many potential benefits of exercise in relation to cancer:

Regular exercise is associated with lower levels of inflammation and insulin in the body, both of which are linked to an increased risk of certain cancers.

Cancer can weaken the immune system, and exercise can improve the circulation of immune cells that actively attack cancer cells. This can have a positive impact on the body's ability to defend itself against cancer and may even enhance the effectiveness of immunotherapy treatments.

It is important to note that while exercise can have various positive effects on cancer prevention and treatment, it is not a standalone cure. Consult with your physician prior to starting any new exercise regimen during or after cancer treatment. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific condition and treatment plan to ensure that exercise is safe and appropriate for you4.








The Role of Nutrition in Your Cancer Journey


What is Cancer?